
Shimauchi Preschool


Rainforest (October 7th – 11th)

Welcome to a really fun and interesting week. The got to practice teamwork and play more together strengthening bonds and friendships in the process. This week the students also went and viewed the science fair of the upper class students. The students got to see some impressive science experiments as well as an example of what working together can accomplish.
今週もとても楽しく、興味深い週でした。ユニット最後のアセスメントの「Amazing Race」というチャレンジをしたり、松本山雅のサッカーレッスンを受けたりしました。そしてG1が開催したサイエンスフェアにも行きました。
This week in UOI we did our assessment. This was a teamwork competition that had the students use everything they learned about teamwork. The students needed to go to several stations an complete the challenge to get a word card. The students needed to model teamwork was important as if they can work together through these challenges they got a card they could use to complete a final puzzle. So if they wanted to win, they had to work together to achieve the common goal which was the central idea of the unit. They had lots of fun and were really engaged. I was impressed with the dedication to the tasks.
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This week we also got the chance to play soccer with Yamaga Soccer sports team. The kids had fun kicking the ball around and learning soccer from these soccer players. I was impressed with the cooperation and energy they showed throughout the lesson.
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Thank you

TOP / Shimauchi Preschool / Rainforest / Rainforest (October 7th – 11th)