
Shimauchi Preschool


Canyon's Ocean Animals

What are the animals that live in the ocean?
For our line of inquiry this week, Canyon was able to identify which animals among the pictures live in the ocean. They had time to think and choose which among them was the right one.


Another activity was making an ocean animals using cupcake paper. They picked one animal among crab, turtle, jellyfish, octopus, and shark. They really loved doing this craft and they did amazing animals! Well done, boys and girls!


On Monday, we had a quick review on Desert Animals where each student picked a picture and told the class whether it lives in the desert or not and pasted it on the poster.


On Tuesday, we also had a nice craft related to Setsubun. They made a Demon Mask which they will use on February 3rd for the said event in our school next week.

火曜日は節分イベントで使う鬼のお面を製作しました。みんなの中にいる、「泣き虫鬼」、怒りんぼう鬼、いじわる鬼を追い出すため、Demons out! Good luck in!の掛け声で豆まき(新聞ボール)をします。製作では、自分たちで好きな色のカップを選び、ほとんどの作業を自分たちで進めることが出来ました。

We’ve been practicing counting objects based on the number to be shown that they have to recognize first. As they did the activity, they were able to check and reflect by themselves if they counted the exact number or not.


Two students from our class had celebrated their 4th birthday this month! We had our monthly birthday party in our school. They sang Bingo song and listened to a tell and draw story about Bingo which is a dog. Once again, happy birthday to our dear students!


Of course, writing skills shouldn’t be left behind. Our boys and girls have been practicing writing, teaching them the proper way of holding a pencil and be comfortable in it. They wrote letters Ii and Jj, and number 14 this week.

もちろん、文字を書く練習も忘れてはいけません。キャニオンさん達は、正しい場所に3本の指を置いて鉛筆を持ち、字を書く練習をしました。今週は、 Ii と Jj 、数字の14を書く練習をしました。

We’ll have our school open day next Friday! We look forward to seeing you, our dear parents. Enjoy the weekend, everyone!


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