
Shimauchi Preschool


Rainforest learns about IB attitudes

[envira-gallery id=”9977″]This week Rainforest class has been continuing our unit of inquiry: the history of a country shapes its culture. We have been focusing on using correct grammar to talk about things in past tense, as well as present and future.
As we had so many photos to post last week I have included photos of the police excursion this week. Next week we will visit Matsumoto Castle to learn more about events in the past.
I have been familiarising students with IB attitudes: respect, empathy and independence.
Satoki showed empathy towards Hiyori when she was upset. Hiyori showed great commitment in
deciding to eat her eggplant so that she could have watermelon even though she really doesn’t like eggplant!
Independence is an attitude I feel our class needs to learn so that children can learn to do things by themselves instead of relying on the teacher all the time to help them with their problems, in particular with social problems at play time.

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