Summer is here!🌞 Staying cool during summer is quite a challenging feeling for everyone…💦
This hot weather doesn’t bother our youngsters to play in the pool! They love playing in the water while doing various activities! For our pool games, we played up & down game so they wet their bodies and to test their listening skills in following instructions. Also, we played swimming like an alligator and sea animals wherein I asked our little ones to swim like a fish, crab, turtle, & shark. Lastly, we did swim race to practice our this month’s phrases such as: Can you swim? Yes, I can! and No, I can’t. Let’s take a look at how happy they were play playing in the water!🤽🏻♂🤽🏻♀

As we continue our discussion about the types of animals in our UOI, this week, we focused on “Sea Animals”. Our youngsters learned a new song entitled “Animals in the Ocean” and the different kinds of animals live in the ocean! Our little ones loved exploring and discovering new things! Thanks to our very creative Canyon teachers who made a jungle, ocean, and farm in our classroom to double the fun and learning of the students!!!👏🏻
UOIで動物の種類について探究を進める中で、今週は “海の中にいる動物”に焦点を当て、海には様々な種類の動物が生息していることを学びました。クラスには、ジャングル、海、(もうすぐ牧場も!)が登場😊!!UOIでの学びを楽しみながら会得したり、遊びながら広がっていくイメージが新たな発見、興味に繋がっていくといいな✨という願いも込めて作りました。動物の暮らしを想像しながらジオラマで遊んだり、海に潜って探検を楽しんだり、イメージが無限に広がっていく子どもたちです👏👏

For our activity, we did “Animals Live in Ocean” worksheet.🐳🐟🦀🐙 Our young ones looked for the sea creatures, cut it, pasted it on their paper and colored it according to their choice of colors. Here’s a glimpse of how they made it!✨

In our gym lesson, we started practicing the race for the upcoming Sports Festival!🏃🏻♀🏃🏻♂ Our youngsters had a great time doing various exercises such as: stretching, running around, balancing and jumping on the rope, and catching a fish!🌊
体操やかけっこなど、スポーツフェスティバル(運動会)に向けての練習も少しずつ始めています🏃🏻♀🏃🏻♂! その他にも今週のジムでは、細いロープの上をバランスを取りながら歩いたり、魚に見立てたそのロープを保育士が持って走り、それを追いかけて捕まえたり…色々な運動で盛り上がりました!🌊こまめな水分補給もしっかり行っています😊

This week was a special one because we had some interns from Grade 7, 8, & 9!🤩 As part of their Career Awareness Orientation, they observed and assist in our class the whole week to know and experience how to be with young children and how can they support them. On their last day of internship, they prepared something for our Canyon students! They had fun fishing, putting paint on their hand and stamped it on the paper to make a cute jellyfish, and making a jellyfish’s face! Our youngsters enjoyed spending time with them! Thank you for your help in our class! We are looking forward to seeing you all again soon!🤗

Have wonderful weekend everyone!✨