


Brand new park run! SV/RF 9/16

We were thrilled when we went to a new park this week. The spacious field and fresh look made the children shout for joy! They spent a great deal of time discovering the huge play structure and had a blast trying all the new challenges. Some looked intimidating, nonetheless they were such a risk taker and took their first step! We cannot wait to go back again next month!  

This week we FINALLY opened the “ISN Ramen Shop”! It has been a long awaited project since our last ice cream shop. The children were beside themselves and grew anxious as they listened to the details before the shop opened. Everyone got ready to cut their 100 yen coins and could not wait to choose their favorite ramen base. We have four choices to begin with, among them are the “salt based”, “soy sauce based”, “miso based”, and the “pork flavored”. Some children were willing to pay extras for the extra toppings! It is a great hit in our class for sure! 

What a busy week it has been with children engaged in their plays. There are always so many choices to choose from. Decisions, decisions! Some like to be an architect building cathedral-like structures, some like being the engineers designing the train systems, while others love being the mathematicians working with numbers and counting up to millions! 

What have we been up to in the workstation this week? The children started working on building a Jurassic Park for the dinosaurs and will be using this model in the weeks to come.  As we discuss and experiment with an imitation of volcanoes explosions that possibly led to the dinosaur extinctions. It is marvelous to hear the children exclaim, “I love this activity!” or “ I like decorating!”

The children began to make their final presentation project in the UOI this week. They thought about which minibeasts are their favorites after learning about them all quarter long. Furthermore they considered  the reasons why they like this certain minibeast, and what are their benefits to the environment and the ecosystem. And finally to raise awareness for others to realize why it is important to help continue the lives of these living creatures. 

Group circle time is another children’s favorite activity as they twirled and danced to the music. They also love the storytime, the discussions and valuable impromptu questions that may arise from day to day. 
グループサークルタイムは、音楽に合わせてくるくる回ったり踊ったりする、もう 1 つの子供たちのお気に入りのアクティビティです。ストーリータイム、ディスカッション、質問タイムも大好きです。

We returned our walk to the shrine this week and the children were surprised by the changes along the way. Their whoas and whoos echoed in the air as if this was their very first time walking to the nearby shrine. We had a fun time playing group tag games.  We will be revisiting in the weeks that follow for sure. 

The new “match-its” onset and rime phonic game was introduced to the children this week. They had trouble finding the right match initially, however, with a few practices they got the hang of it. We are also working on the initial sounds and will be strengthening their CVC blending in the months ahead. 
今週、新しい「match-its」を子どもたちに紹介しました。最初は適切な組み合わせを見つけるのに苦労しましたが、何度か練習を重ね、コツを掴むことができたようです。また、初期に学んだサウンドにも取り組んでおり、今後数か月で CVCブレンドに集中して学んでいく予定です。

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