
Shimauchi Preschool

Shimauchi Preschool

Canyon April 3- 5

April 3, 2019, a new beginning for the new set of friends, has been created in the class of Canyon. Ms. Shizuka Tateiwa and Ms. Fronielyn Tenerepe welcomed the Canyon class together with their parents with big smiles and warm greetings.

In the first day of school, Canyon class spent their time by knowing and making friends with their classmates from Rainbow, Meadow and Lagoon classes last school year.

4月3日、キャニオンクラスがスタートしました! 担任はMs. FronielynとMs. Shizukaになります。これから一年間、お子さん達の成長を見守れることをとても楽しみにしています。どうぞ宜しくお願い致します。
The class was informed about the dos and don’ts inside/outside the classroom and they started to practice them for 3 days. They were taught how to put their stuffs in proper places once they enter the room and before leaving.
They are now learning how to tell and identify the months of the year, the days of the week, the date, weather, and season. Also continue learning about phonics and numbers.
In the park, they practiced how to walk nicely in the line with their friends. After that, they had free time to play and had some fun. Everyone was able to play with the structures appropriate with their level following the rules of playing while having fun.
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TOP / Shimauchi Preschool / Canyon / Canyon April 3- 5