


CANYON GOES TO GOJO CAMPUS- Canyon July 22nd-26th


This week was a special one because our little ones went to the Gojo campus for our guest speaker. Meet Mr. Frith and his dog named Wynn. He’s an almost 3-year-old dog who sleeps 12 to 14 hours a day, does 30 minutes to 2 hours of exercise a day, and is trained to follow instructions and perform different tricks. Wynn is a very nice and calm dog, so our youngsters had a chance to touch him and shave his body hair. Our young ones had so much fun and are looking forward to seeing Wynn again!  

TRIVIA: Scientists report that a dog’s sense of smell is 10,000 to 100,000 times more acute than a human’s. (Written by Dr. Elizabeth Racine)




For this week’s UOI lesson, we reviewed the entire Unit 2 and identified different land animals through a video. We also introduced a new learner profile, “thinkers,” which means we solve problems. Additionally, here is the last batch of our presenters. They shared their pets and the animals they saw at the aquarium. Well done, Canyon!

今週の UOI レッスンでは、ユニット2の探究が始まってから学んだことを復習した後に、様々な陸上に住む動物が登場するビデオを見ました。また、今回のユニットで注目するIB学習者像「thinker」(考える人)を紹介し、考える人とは問題を解決できる人だと学びました。今週も、家で飼っているペットや水族館で見た動物たちについて、子どもたちが発表してくれました。かわいい動物たちにみんな興味心身。みんな上手に発表できたね!

As part of our UOI, our youngsters made some animal crafts. They chose between an octopus and a lion. Before that, they listened to a story and learned the difference between a baby lion and a daddy lion. They said we can identify a daddy lion by the hair around its face. This craft aims to develop students’ fine motor skills through cutting and drawing. Here’s a glimpse of their craft.

動物たちにもっと親しみをもつため、動物の製作をしました。はさみを使って、タコの足を切ったり、ライオンの鬣を作りました。製作の前には本を読んで、ライオンの赤ちゃんとパパライオンの違いを学びました。パパライオンは顔の周りに鬣があることを知り、今回の製作するライオンを見せると、みんなすぐにパパライオンだと気が付くことが出来ました。今回ではさみを使った製作は2回目ですが、1回目の時よりも落ち着いて切ることが出来ていました。Good job‼

Have a wonderful weekend, everyone!


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