
Shimauchi Preschool

Shimauchi Preschool

Canyon September 30- October 4

Hello, October! Happy new month, Canyon families!
こんにちは、キャニオンご家族さま。10月になり、公園で遊ぶには気持ちの良い時期になりました。公園に行った日は、遊具で遊ぶ前にルールを守って遊ぶゲームをするようになりました。今月は、「What is the time, Mr. Wolf?(オオカミさん今何時?)」というゲームをしています。オオカミさんが言った数分の歩数前に進んでいき、オオカミさんが「It’s dinner time!(夕ご飯の時間だよ!)」と言ったら一斉にみんなで逃げます。オオカミさんに捕まってしまったら、次のオオカミさんにならなくてはなりません。みんなこのゲームがとても気に入ったようで、笑顔で楽しんでいます。
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Monday was a very special day for the two members of Canyon class because they celebrated their 4th birthday here in ISN! We had a party for all the birthday celebrants for the month of September! Happiest birthday to you, girls!

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We had a review on Unit 2: How We Organize Ourselves with the Central Idea: We clean up after ourselves. Each student was interviewed about what they liked doing in this unit showing them the different pictures, videos, and other materials we used during our discussion for them to recall what they have learned and be able to share their ideas.
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This time, Gym class was very refreshing and relaxing for everybody because finally dance practices and rehearsals were done! Thank you parents for attending and participating in our Sports Festival last Friday. That was a momentous event! We had a regular activities in the gym. You could see how these students missed what they were usually doing before the preparation for the Sports Festival. Everyone had fun in the gym!
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For our Unit 3: How We Express Ourselves our Central Idea is “We can express our thoughts and feelings in different ways”, we started our lesson by singing a song “They’re Your Emotions” which shows different emotions such as happy, sad, frustrated, excited, angry, etc. We want them to be familiar with the different emotions and feelings a person can express and be able to identify and name what emotions/feelings their friends show in different situations happening in our classroom.
今月から始まったユニット3「私たちはどうやって自分を表現するのか」、セントラルアイディア「私たちは自分たちの考えや気持ちを色々な方法で表現できる」では、”They’re Your Emotions”という歌を歌うことから始めました。この歌の中には、うれしい、悲しい、イライラする、興奮する、怒っているなど色々な気持ちを表す言葉が出てきます。こういった様々な感情や気持ちを知ることで、クラスの中でお友達が表す感情や気持ちに気づけるようになってほしいと思っています。

In Math, we had a number sequence activity. Each table was given a set of numbers from 1 up to 10. They would arrange those numbers in proper order. Everyone did their activity correctly. Good job, Canyon!
算数の学習では、数の順序を学ぶ活動をしました。それぞれのテーブルに1から10までの数のカードを配り、その数字を順番に並べるように言いました。お友達と協力しながら、正しく数字を並べることが出来ました。Good job, Canyon!
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We focus on the letter Xx this week. They were able to identify and recognize this letter in words. We also practiced writing it on a paper.
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There are 3 groups of food such as Red Food, Yellow Food, and Green Food which had been taught to our class. Each food group that we eat everyday plays an important role in our body. It makes our body strong, energetic, and fight viruses. During lunch, we try to classify which food belongs to each group.
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Finally, our class will be having a Bus Trip tomorrow. We hope that all Canyon members can join us tomorrow. Let’s have fun and enjoy!
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TOP / Shimauchi Preschool / Canyon / Canyon September 30- October 4