Collaboration with other classes allows the students to work together in an activity, sharing knowledge, perspectives, and skills across different subject areas. This kind of activity fosters a more holistic understanding and develops collaborative skills.
This week, we had a chance to visit the Rainforest class and participate in some workstation activities. Our youngsters had a lot of fun listening to different stories, making paper airplanes, writing letters and numbers, playing with blocks, making crafts, and drawing. Thank you for your time, Rainforest!
今週、Canyonさん達は、Raiforestクラスを訪問し ワークステーション活動に参加させてもらいました。Reinforestさんに英語の本を読んでもらったり、紙飛行機を一緒に作ったり、文字や数字を書いたり、ブロックで遊んだり、工作をしたり、お絵描きをしたりと、子どもたちはとっても楽しんでいました。Rainforestのお兄さん、お姉さん、楽しい時間をありがとう!

Setsubun is typically celebrated by families who gather together to throw roasted soybeans out their front door to drive away evil spirits and welcome good fortune.
Our little ones made an oni monster mask for this event. Here’s a glimpse of how they made it.

We also practiced throwing beans made of newspaper and saying, “Oni wa soto! Fuku wa uchi! Demons out, good luck in!”
豆まきの練習もしましたよ!「鬼は外、福は内!」そして、英語でも「Demons out, good luck in!」と言って、怖い鬼を退治する練習をしました。鬼さんはいつISNに来るでしょうか?

It was a very cold and windy morning, but we enjoyed walking to the shrine. It’s good to see how our young ones have improved in walking outside the campus throughout this school year. Well done, Canyon!

In our UOI lesson this week, they had a presentation about their own vehicles. They shared what type of vehicles they have, how many there are, how many wheels their vehicles have, and who uses them. Thank you for sharing!
(This activity is divided into two groups due to the large number of students. The second batch of the presentation will continue next week.)


Have an awesome weekend, everyone!