It’s the last day of this school year, and we would like to take this opportunity to say thank you to our beloved parents for all your unending support and cooperation! We truly appreciate everything you’ve done for us! It was indeed a wonderful school year for all of us! We are so grateful for all your efforts and patience in helping us, teachers. They have grown so much throughout the school year! They are now ready for the next level.
This week, our youngsters had so much fun helping their teachers to pack up all their belongings in their lockers, cleaning their tables, chairs, and lockers. Thank you, little helpers!
今週は、自分たちの荷物をまとめたり、一年間お世話になったテーブルや椅子、ロッカーを掃除したりしました。みんな、自分のことは自分で出来るようになりました!Thank you, little helpers!


Before we end this day, our young ones received a certificate for all their hard work throughout the school year! Well done, Canyon! We are so proud of you! Keep on doing your best!

This month, two of our youngsters turned 4! They enjoyed their birthday party at school by singing a song and playing a game. Have a blast!

Have a wonderful weekend!