
Shimauchi Preschool

Shimauchi Preschool

FUN OPEN DAY- Canyon Feb. 17th-21st

We would like to express our deepest gratitude to all the parents who exerted their efforts to attend our last Open Day for this school year! Your presence means a lot to us. Our little ones have grown a lot throughout the school year. Thank you for all your support, parents!


Hinamatsuri, also known as Doll’s Festival, is a day to wish for the health and happiness of girls. To prepare for this event, our youngsters listened to a Japanese story about Hinamatsuri and made doll crafts. First, they made the kimono. They folded the paper and dipped it in their desired paint colors. It turned out to be a beautiful and colorful kimono. Well done!


This week, we had a collaboration with the Savanna class and joined their morning circle time. This collaboration with the Savanna class is one of our preparations for those students who will be in the Savanna class next school year. We aim for them to experience what it feels like to be in a higher-level class and to see some changes in the routines, to gain confidence and excitement for their new adventure to come.

今週はSavannaクラスとのコラボレーションで、朝のサークルタイムに参加しました。今回のコラボレーションは、来年度Savannaクラスに進級するCanyonさん達のための準備の一つです。ひとつ年上のクラスが、どんなアクテビティをしているのかを体験し、Canyonクラスとの変化を知ることで、これから始まる新しい冒険への自信と喜びを得ることを目的としています。どんなことが楽しかった聞かれると、みんなでジャンプしながらJump out wordsを言うアクテビティが楽しかったと答えていました!

Have a wonderful long weekend, everyone!


TOP / Shimauchi Preschool / Canyon / FUN OPEN DAY- Canyon Feb. 17th-21st