One of the things that are very divided among the children is whether they like getting their hands dirty or not. Some like the sticky feelings of mixed flours, water, and oil while some find it a bit uncomfortable. In this activity in particular, the children grew to like the texture of the mixture and found it interesting. Many commented, “my hands are sticky!” or “look at my hands, many colors!” In any case, we are sure they became a bit sure that getting messy is not so bad after all!
子どもたちを明確に二つに分ける理由の一つは、手を汚すのが好きかどうかです。小麦粉、水、油を混ぜたベタベタ感が好きな子もいれば、それが少し不快に感じる子もいました。この活動では、子どもたちは混ぜる時の触感がだんだん好きになり、最終的には面白いと感じた様です。 「手がべたべた!」との声が多数聞こえました。食紅を混ぜている時には「私の手を見て、たくさんの色がついてる!」という声も聞こえ微笑ましかったです。結果、手を汚すこと(手が汚れること)はそんなに悪くないということを感じたのではないかと思います。

This week’s UOI we continued to discover the life cycle of bees, ladybugs, beetles, dragonflies and ants. We were honored to have the office staff sharing her beetle collection with us. The children and I were all thrilled when we saw the beautiful beetles in the large case! Our eyes lit up and we just can’t have enough of them. Thanks to our special guest, we learned that beetles actually love bananas! One sad occasion is that we had to let go of the grasshopper we found two weeks ago. It is time for her to find her friends and be back into nature.
今週の UOI では、ハチ、てんとう虫、カブトムシ、トンボ、アリのライフサイクルを引き続き探究しました。施設長が、彼女のカブトムシコレクションをクラスのみんなと共有してくれたので感謝します!大きなケースに入った美しいカブトムシに、子どもたちも私達も大興奮!私たちの目は光り輝き、いくら時間があっても足りません。スペシャルゲストのおかげで、カブトムシは実はバナナが大好きだということがわかりました! 今週は私たちのお友達「バッタ」とのお別れがありました。2 週間前に見つけたバッタが友達を見つけて自然に戻る時が来たので、みんなでGood byeをしました。

One of the things that children love is when we celebrate birthdays together. They love interviewing their friends with questions and pick their favorite ending at the end of a birthday song.
みんなが大好きなことの 1 つは、一緒に誕生日を祝うことです。みんなはお誕生日の友達にインタビューして質問するのが大好きで、誕生日ソングの最後に好きなエンディング(ロケットか花火)を選び特別な誕生日ソングを歌います。
The children also enjoyed gathering together in front of the “Theater” to watch performances prepared by their friends. This is such a great way to promote artistic expression as well as challenge their literacy and public speaking skills. We are so glad to see the children take on the role of presenter as the teacher demonstrates how it was meant to be used.