Hi everyone!✨
This week in our UOI lesson, we started our last and final topic about “past and present tranportation”.🚗 For our prior knowledge assessment, we differentiated and determined the differences between the modern and past vehicles.💡We showed them some examples of past vehicles such as airplane, bus, car, airplane, train, and ferry. Our youngsters said that past vehicles are slow, cars don’t have side mirrors compared to the modern ones, there’s a difference with its size and color, the windows and doors are open, some old vehicles have only 2 wheels, and some don’t have engines to run the vehicles. Also, some of them said they want to use the modern vehicles than the old ones because its fast!🤩
最終トピックである、LOI2の“過去と現在の乗り物” についてが始まりました🚗人力車、渡し船、蒸気機関車や、古い形の飛行機、ヘリコプター、バス、乗用車の写真を見て、何の乗り物なのか、現代の乗り物との違いはどこかなどを、みんなで意見を出し合いました。大きさや色、車輪の数、窓やドアの造りといった見た目の違いを発見したり、渡し船はモーターの代わりに人が動かしているからスピードが遅いね、蒸気機関車は石炭を燃やした熱で動いているんだね、人力車は屋根がなくて、雨の日に乗ったら大変!などと、仕組みや技術の進歩についても学ぶことができました✨

We would like to take this opportunity to say thank you to all the parents who came to our school open day! Your presence means a lot to us. Our young ones were so happy to see all of you!🥰
Hearts day is coming!!!❤️
Our youngsters made a very cute Valentines card for their loved ones to show their love and gratitude to them. Here’s a glimpse of how they made it!⭐

Eating habits can help to prevent constipation. At school, we encourage our youngsters to drink enough water, have a regular meal schedule, and eat healthy foods to help their poop move more easily through their intestines.🍽️

Here’s our this month’s dance exercise:
Have a great weekend everyone!✨