


Savanna: Beetles, Bus Trip and a Big Balloon July 15-19

Savanna had a class meeting – a focus group discussion to shortlist the minibeasts for in-depth study. We tossed some candidates in the air… voted Yes-No, counted the number of votes, and asked why you liked that bug. Because my mummy can catch it! Ladybug is cute. I like the colour red. It is slow. I like to see it move. It was a fruitful meeting. It took a while but Savanna were good Communicators. I had a time keeper too “Hurry up Ms Serena. It’s going to be lunch time!” Beetle (longhorn beetle, ladybug), Butterfly and Snail made the cut. Of course, it does not mean that we can’t find out about the other minibeasts, I assured the class.

Minibeastについてより深く知るために、クラスで話し合いをしました。どの虫をメインに調べていくか決めるため、みんなで投票を行い、その票数を数えました。どうしてその虫に投票したのか尋ねると、「ママが捕まえてくれるから。」「 てんとう虫がかわいいからだよ。赤い色が好きなの。」「ゆっくり動くところが好き。」など多くの意見が挙がりました。長い時間がかかりましたが、自分の意見を伝え、友達の声にも耳を傾ける事ができた有意義な時間を過ごせました。

サバンナさん、コミュニケーションもばっちりです!余りに話し合いが盛り上がったので、ランチの時間が遅れそうなほどでした。投票の結果、 カブトムシ(カミキリムシ、テントウムシ)、チョウチョ、カタツムリが選ばれましたが、他の虫についても、追って調べていく予定です。

With realistic animal toys, we sorted them out into insects, spiders, other bugs and minibeasts, and large vertebrates like whale, giraffe and bat. Is this an insect? How do you know? Does it have 6 legs, 2 feelers, a head, a thorax, an abdomen, wings, and jaws? We studied the anatomy of an insect – the body parts that make an insect, an insect!


We were gifted huge rhinoceros beetles for class pets. We saw the large horn, wriggling legs and touched the hard exoskeleton of the insect. Not everyone in class was thrilled by the close encounter but being good Risk-takers, we tried to give the little fella a pat on the back!


The highlight this week was definitely our field trip to Azumino-Apls Park – the Nature Study Room. There were small animals including minibeasts on display. There were live beetles, other small creatures like frogs and an aquarium with Shinshu salmon and trout! Someone called out, “I spotted a rainbow fish! Glittery!” We had a good showcase of beetles – rhinoceros beetle, stag beetle, gold iridescent beetle and more. Like scientists, Savanna peered, squealed with delight and recorded what we saw – yes, with clipboards and all – very professional!

今週のハイライトは、何といっても安曇野アルプス公園への遠足です!いろんな動物が展示されていて、生きたカブトムシやカエルなどの小さな生き物、信州サーモンやトラウトが泳ぐ水槽もありました!「レインボーフィッシュを見つけたよ!キラキラしてる!」と大興奮のサバンナさん。 カブトムシのショーケースも数多くあり、カブトムシ、クワガタムシ、金色の玉虫色のカブトムシなどたくさんの種類を見ることができました。サバンナのみんなは興味深そうに覗き込んだり、じっと観察してから記録をとったりと大忙し!小さな科学者さんの誕生です。

Look at the beautiful butterflies! Are they real? I introduced the term “specimen”. They are real but dead, preserved and still beautiful! The staff on duty in the Nature Study Room volunteered to introduce the exhibits to us, thank you! We took a picture with the knowledgeable gentleman too!


Fun did not end indoors, we took Fun and Learning to the great outdoors! There was a forest trail and our adventure continued. I want to draw the trees! Are there insects here? I can see ants, catch it! Grasshopper! What is this?


The week ended with great teamwork by Savanna as we prepare for the upcoming Sports Festival. With the big paraballoon, Savanna tried out the choreography and music. Good job. We have been reading the book “The Grouchy Ladybug” by Eric Carle. Here is the link to a video story we watched. Grouch less and share more. Sharing is caring! Till next week, have a fabulous weekend.


今週は、エリック・カール作の 「The Grouchy Ladybug 」を読んでいます。(下記リンクをご参照下さい)ご機嫌で過ごして、みんなで分け合おうとこの本を教えてくれました。


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