


Savanna: Snail Days_September 2-6

It was Snail Week! The best snail story most definitely is The Snail and the Whale by Julia Donaldson. The tiny snail with an itchy foot is a friend of a grey-blue humpback whale. Trouble brews and the snail saves the whale!

Thinking about how we learn, the class was asked, “how can you find out more about snails?” Savanna said: We can see it (the snails) with our eyes. We can look at books… videos… and the internet! Good thinking! Indeed, we did. Not only did we observe the snails, we touched them and felt their sticky slimy trails too! In our minibeast corner, we have 2 big snails – Slimy and Spotty. Our latest addition is a tiny snail found in our schoolyard. We named it Baby Snail.


Savanna made some really good observations and comments. The shell is hard. I can see the black dots, their eyes! We must be gentle. Snail no legs so not insect – it’s a minibeast. My mummy said that in France, they eat snails! They asked good questions too. Do snails fight? What snails do in the shell? We learned about the life cycle if a snail too. Egg hatches into baby snails. Baby snail grows up. Adult snail lays eggs. Egg hatches and the cycle stars again.


In the IB curriculum, learning from our peers is advocated. Students from Rainforest (6 year-old class) has been working on the unit – Managing Conflicts. They presented their learning to Savanna through a series of skits. Rainforest students were really creative. We had so much fun! They role-played scenes of conflict and ways to resolve them. Savanna recalled the sharing. Share the toys. Say “I’m sorry”. I can play with another toy. Tell your friend how you feel. Give your friend a hug. Thank you, Rainforest!

IBのカリキュラムでは、仲間から学ぶことが推奨されています。レインフォレスト(6 歳児クラス)の生徒たちは、「意見の対立」という単元に取り組んでいます。RFのみんなは短いロールプレイを通じて、自分たちが学んだことをサバンナクラスに発表してくれました。レインフォレストの生徒たちは本当にクリエイティブでした。とても楽しかったです!彼らは対立の場面とそれを解決する方法をロールプレイで表しました。そしてサバンナさんはクラスで振り返りをしました。おもちゃの取り合いになったら、「ごめんね」「別のおもちゃで遊ぶね」「おもちゃシェアしよう」など言えるようになりたいね、と話し合いました。そして、友達に自分の気持ちを伝えられるようになろうね。そしてRFの生徒が見せてくれた仲直りの方法、ハグ。友達にハグをして仲直りしようね。素敵プレゼンテーションをありがとう、レインフォレストのみんな!

Our outdoor fun continues with Mud Play! We made mud pies, chocolate soup and dug a river too! Till next week, have a lovely weekend!

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