


Savanna: Summer Bugs and Butterfly Fun! August 19-23 夏の虫たちや蝶々と楽しもう!

Welcome back! Hope you had an enjoyable Obon holiday. Back in ISN, it had been a busy week of summer bugs and butterfly fun for Savanna. We watched a video about the monarch butterfly and its amazing life cycle.

Savanna were wonderful Inquirers as we researched about the life cycle of a butterfly. Savanna: How do they grow? What do they eat? We pretended to be eggs waiting to hatch. Then we became very hungry caterpillars who ate a lot of leaves – not ice cream or sausages like the book The Very Hungry Caterpillar! Next, we curled up in our chrysalis and did lots of growing – wings, legs, feelers. Finally, we popped out and flew about as butterflies!
サバンナさんは蝶のライフサイクルについて学ぶ素晴らしい探究者です。サバンナ:どうやって成長するの?何を食べるんだろう? 私たちは孵化を待つ卵のふりをしました。そして、はらぺこあおむしになりました。本の「はらぺこあおむし」のようなアイスクリームやソーセージではなく、葉っぱをたくさん食べるはらぺこあおむしです。次に、私たちはサナギのように丸くなり、サナギの中で、羽、足、触角など、たくさんの成長をし、ついに私たちはサナギから飛び出て、美しい蝶のように飛び回りました!

We reviewed our learning with cut out pictures of the butterfly’s life cycle and tried reading the words – egg, caterpillar, chrysalis and butterfly. Well done, Savanna you are Knowledgeable! Savanna explored the concept of symmetry – being balanced, having two parts that match. We used symmetry in our drawing for a butterfly – same shapes, colours and sizes.
私たちは蝶のライフサイクルの切り絵で学んだことを復習し、卵、毛虫、蛹、蝶という単語をみんなで練習しました。サバンナさん、大変良くできました!これでまた知識が豊富になりましたね!蝶の描画では、同じ形、色、サイズの対称性を使い、「バランスが取れていること」「一致する 2 つの部分があること」という「対称」の概念を探求しました。

In our own schoolyard, Savanna caught two long-headed grasshoppers or shouryou-batta. We set them free after observing them. On one of the cooler mornings, we visited the rice fields across the Narai river again. The last we went was in mid-June. Savanna: Wow, we can see the rice! Are there frogs? It’s so green, like our hats!

We finally harvested our carrots but they were really too tiny to eat. Savanna: Not enough nutrients! But this one is big. Can we make into craft? See the leaves look like insect feelers! We had fun learning how to plant them and naming the parts – roots, stem, leaves.

We have been practising for our paraballoon dance for the Sports Festival. In line with the theme Sharing the Planet, Savanna will fly like butterflies! Please see the Youtube link below for our song. Enjoy! Till next week, have a fabulous weekend.
サバンナさんはスポーツフェスティバルに向けてパラバルーンダンスの練習をしています。 「Sharing the Planet」のテーマに合わせて、サバンナが蝶のように飛び立ちます!パラバルーンに使っている曲は、下のYoutubeリンクをご覧ください。それでは皆様、素敵な週末をお過ごしください。

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