


SUPERHEROES UNITE!!! Canyon Sep 5th-9th

Finally, the long wait is overrrrrr!!!!!🥳 Congratulations to all the teachers and students for all your hard work in preparing and practicing the songs and dances. To our beloved Canyon students, all your hard work has finally paid off! You made it! We are so proud of you!!!👏🏻


We would also like to take this opportunity to send our deepest gratitude to all the parents who attended our Sports Festival! Your presence means a lot to us! Thank so much for your uneding support in our various school activities/events. Our youngsters were so happy to see all of your beautiful smiles while watching their performance. We are so proud of our dear young ones for conquering their fear to stand and perform in front of many of people! Well done, our little superheroes!!!🦸🏻‍♀🦸🏻‍♂


In our UOI lesson, we continued our discussion about the way on how animals help humans. Also, we did an activity about the “Foods we get from Animals” where our little ones cut the pictures of the different food and pasted it to their animal source. Everyone did it perfectly!✨ Great job!!!⭐

UOI のレッスンでは、「動物がどのように人間を助けているか」についての話し合っています。「動物からもらう食べ物」について「ミルクやバターは牛からもらっているよ!」「大好きなハムやソーセージは、豚からもらっているんだね」と、様々な食べ物がどんな動物からきているのかを確認してから、食べ物の絵を切り、それぞれの動物のイラストの横に貼り付けるアクティビティをしました。ハサミやのりの使い方も上手になってきました😊

For our this week’s phonics lesson, we discussed letter M and its sound and the words begin with it such as: mouse, mushroom, monkey, mat, motorcycle, and magnet. Our youngsters also made a super cute mouse made of letter M!🐭 First, they colored the letter M with color gray, then the ears and nose with color pink and they put it in its proper places, and lastly, they chose the color/design they want for their mouse’s eyes. They looked so adorable, right?!🤩

今週のフォニックスレッスンでは、Mという文字とその発音、Mから始まる単語(mouse, mushroom, monkey, mat, motorcycle, magnet)を取り上げました。そしてMの文字でとってもかわいいネズミ作りも🐭!グレーで塗ったMの文字に、ピンクで塗った耳と鼻を貼り付け、最後にネズミの目の色やデザインを選んだら完成です。可愛いねずみさんがいっぱいです🤩🤩!

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!!!🌻


TOP / 島内プレスクール / SUPERHEROES UNITE!!! Canyon Sep 5th-9th