As we welcomed the new month of August, we started new fun and exciting lessons for our little ones… This week, we moved to our line of inquiry 2 wherein we discussed “The Ways to Help Animals”. In this topic, we learned what are our responsibilities in taking care of animals. Our youngsters also shared their ideas on how to help animals such as: by giving them food, don’t hit the animals, and give them a house. It’s always good to hear our young ones sharing their thoughts about our lesson!👏🏻 Keep it up, Canyon!!!✨
As we go through with this lesson, our youngsters had a practical activity in which they demonstrated in front of the class the proper way of taking care of their pet dog. They chose some basic necessities for the dog such as: food, water, brush & bone and showed to the class the right way of feeding the dog, brushing his hair, and playing with him using the bone. Great job!🤩

This week was a special one because two of our lovely parents visited us and brought their pets to help us with our lesson!🥰 Meet Neiger 🐶 and Minnie 🐱… they are so adorable, aren’ they?!😍 Parents shared how they take good care of their pets like: giving them a comfortable bed, giving them food & water, brushing their hair and teeth, playing and loving them, cutting their nails, and bathing them. We also had a chance to see Neiger and Minnie upclose, play, touch and feed them. Our youngsters were so happy!⭐
To our very supportive parents, thank you so much for accepting our invitation!🙇🏻♀🙇🏻♂ Your presence means a lot to us! It was a wonderful experience, indeed!!!💟
またこのUOIの学びを深めるために、保護者の方にお願いをし大切なペットをご自宅から連れていただきました🥰!! Neiger 🐶と Minnie 🐱です!本当に可愛くてお利口さん😍!お家ではペットに快適なベッドを用意し、食事や水を与える事はもちろん、毛をとかしたり歯磨きをしたりお風呂に入れたりと、清潔を保つ事もとても大切な事だと教えていただきました。でも一番は、家族の一員として愛して遊んであげること!!お気に入りのおもちゃも見せていただき、NeigerとMinnieと一緒に遊んだりおやつをあげることができ、みんなとても喜んでいました⭐とても大切な学びの機会となり思い出に残る素敵な経験になりました💟ご協力ありがとうございました。

In our phonics lesson, we had a review of our alphabet letters (A-J) and its sounds. We also played a game where the students looked around to find upper and lowercase letters in our classroom using an improvised magnifying glass! Well done!!!🌟

Our Canyon students were working very hard for the upcoming Sports Festival! They were taking every practice seriously because this will make our performance perfect….🙌🏻

Have a beautiful weekend everyone!🌸
Keep safe and see you all next week!🤗