We had another fun week in the Rainforest class!
Our little inquirers have reached the “Going Further” stage of their inquiry, where they dig deeper to find answers. To solidify their knowledge about the Journey of Life, they collaborated with their parents to investigate the journeys of famous people. They explored how each person began, the challenges they overcame, and how they achieved their goals. Some students were so proud of their parents that they chose them as case studies, which provided a firsthand experience of witnessing a successful journey.
探究心旺盛な子ども達は、より深くまでテーマを掘り下げて「さらなる先 」の答えを見つける段階に進みました。人生の旅についての知識を深めるため、保護者の方と協力して誰かの人生について調べました。その方がどこで生まれ、どのように人生を出発し、どのような困難を乗り越え、どのように目標を達成したのかを探りました。自分の両親をターゲットに選んだ子もいました。

This activity helped our kids understand that life isn’t always easy; it’s not just walking in the park. There are challenges we need to overcome to reach our goals. Despite the difficulties, the journey can also be enjoyable, as we learn from every obstacle and grow for the better!
In our writing class, the little inquirers have started keeping journals. During our morning meetings, we recite the date and check the weather. This week, instead of just saying it aloud, we began writing it down in our notebooks to practice writing in paragraphs. This is something new for the Rainforest class, and they absolutely loved it! We can’t wait to see them write about their experiences independently.

Hina Matsuri, a popular Japanese cultural event, is approaching. In preparation, the Rainforest class created a very creative and beautiful craft to commemorate the event! It was a lot of fun and very informative.

The month is changing soon, and the days left in preschool are numbered. While it’s bittersweet, it is also exciting! Let’s make the most of our remaining days at ISN and create lasting memories that we will treasure forever!

Have a great weekend!