
Nagano Preschool

Nagano Preschool

Nagano Milky Way: A Glimpse into our Busy Week (January 13th-17th)

Sorting out our learning from last week, we compared Vietnamese and Japanese cultures this time. We worked with our team to compare the food, language, clothes, and seasons of the two countries and understood the reasons behind both countries’ traditional clothes.



We had four workstations this week namely: Math/ Literacy: Message decoding using shapes (polygons) and numbers, Language/ Literacy: board game, and Fine motor: clay. The stations kept us busy yet we enjoyed every bit of the time.

今週は 4 つのワークステーションがありました。数学/リテラシー: 図形 (多角形) と数字を使用したメッセージの解読、言語/リテラシー: ボード ゲーム、細かい運動: 粘土です。各ステーションで忙しくしていましたが、どの時間も楽しく過ごすことができました。

There hasn’t been much snow lately but we still enjoy the weather and outside play! We played at the school playground in the middle of the week and enjoyed shoveling as much snow as we could. Then played at the park at the end of the week with the younger class. We brought some shovels but there wasn’t any snow at the park so we built our pretend house and made sand mountain instead.


Happy Weekend!


TOP / Nagano Preschool / Milky Way / Nagano Milky Way: A Glimpse into our Busy Week (January 13th-17th)