

「IBについて知りたいんです」”Can you tell us more about IB?”




  • 子供達が学びの舵を取るって、どうやったらそんなことがクラスで出来るんですか?
  • 興味がバラバラな子どもを1つのクラスでどうやってまとめられるんだろう?
  • 教科書が無く、どうやって先生達は計画を立てるんだろう?
  • どんなテストがあるの? すごい勉強をしているんでしょう?







ISNではスタッフPD (Professional  Development)のみならず、保護者の方を対象に、IB、PYPについての勉強会を行っています。

一緒に成長しましょう 🙂

南松本キャンパスご見学はご予約を頂き3:15pm、島内キャンパスに移動して3:45pmから4pm。その後にプログラムなどのお話を30分から1時間程します。是非その機会に質問をお聞かせください 🙂


This year marked the 7th year since the establishment of ISN and the 3rd year since ISN started with the execution of the Primary Years Programme (PYP). The school now numbers about 155 students and 36 members of staff and the IB ideas have by know become a part of ISN daily life.

The questions I often get asked about IB are


  • It is often said that children take charge of learning themselves. How is this possible?

  • How is it possible to have children of so many ages and different characters in one class?

  • If there is no textbook used, how can the teachers plan their lessons?

  • What kind of tests are there? If there are no tests, are the children really studying as they should

Throughout the PYP program, the children learn about things we as human beings all share, like the pursuit of happiness, they explore their natural curiosity and research skills, as a result learning to contribute to the world, making it a better, happier place. Everything comes full circle, albeit a very profound one.

ISN is able to provide further education on IB and PYP, not only for our staff in terms of professional development, but also for parents.

Let’s learn about it together! 🙂
If you are interested, please make a reservation for a visit to the Minami Matsumoto campus at 3:15PM or the Shimauchi campus at 3:45PM. We can talk about the school and IB program for about 30 minutes to 1 hour. Please prepare many questions. I will be happy to answer them. 🙂

TOP / 代表ブログ / 「IBについて知りたいんです」”Can you tell us more about IB?”