

学びの研究、コラボレーション、改善システム Studying about learning, collaboration and improvement system


それぞれの質が高まることで、子ども達にとってより良い学びの環境をを生むことが出来るはず。2018年度ISNではCMT(Class Management Trainer)のりえこ先生、PYPC(Primary Years Programme Coordinator)のMr. Jimmyが中心となり、担任やアシスタント、専科の先生達のコラボレーションミーティングを通して、計画が立てられ、結果を振り返り、より良い次の学びに繋げられる循環を実施しています。




In terms of improving the education ISN offers every day, we believe that continuous teacher training (both individual and collaborative), research and collaboration between the teachers are key. By improving all of these little by little, we should be able to create a better learning environment for the children.

This year, a plan for future development through collaboration of teachers, assistant teachers and specialized teachers was set, led by the class management trainer (CMT) Mr. Noriko Oko and ISN’s primary years program coordinator (PYPC), Mr. Jimmy.

We believe that implementing this cycle can lead to improved learning of the children. Meeting and discussing strategies more often can help create better ideas and forming teams of teachers that think positively and work together can improve individual teacher morale. This also mean that, together with working together, we also need to take some time to play together.

This kind of environment is an innovative way of organizing things. Even if there are no revolutionary ideas offered, if we share our opinions and engage in discussions every day, things will keep getting improved, little by little. 😊

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