Milky Way class has been learning about the 3 R’s and we finished discussing two of them last week such as Reuse and Recycle. On Monday, we visited Mottainnai Box wherein we can throw and sort the recyclable materials from our classroom. The students clearly understood what the recyclable materials are because they saw each of them in the box. They saw how people sort their recyclables and how they are sorted in each box properly. They were also surprised how much recyclables are in the boxes. When we came back to the classroom, we talked about our experience and learning from that visit to Mottainnai Box. They also shared about the garbage they saw along the way while we were walking and everyone suggested that we have to do something about it. And the class agreed that we should pick up those garbage because it’s not good for the environment. So our class will schedule a clean up drive activity soon to achieve their goal to improve or help the community. After learning about recycle, Milky Way students started to sort their trash in the classroom. We are using the bins they made last time and everytime they have trash, they think first which color it belongs to and throw it in the right bin. These are great initiative actions from the students which shows their understanding of what we are learning in this unit.

This week, we continued to discover the last R that will complete the 3 R’s which is REDUCE. We began with drawing what they are thinking about what they can do to have less garbage. They presented their drawings and ideas to their friends such as “I will not make a lot of trash. I will reuse and recycle.” Then, we did a scavenger hunt activity wherein students look for something that we use most of the time or everyday and has to be replaced after using them because it’s gone. Some of their answers are tissue paper, marker, pencil, and paper. Then we concluded that we need to use these things carefully so that we don’t need to buy all the time and we don’t have much garbage to produce everyday. We also discussed how we can reduce the use of the things we use everyday in school like water, tissue, toilet paper, soap, paper, pencil, crayons, glue, etc. Everyone shared their bright ideas on how to use a small amount of these things and promised to apply or show what they have learned.

Our class has also started writing in the 3 R’s diary. They need to draw and write how they apply 3 R’s at home and share it to the class. One student presented his diary and we found out that he washes the dirty plastic containers first before throwing them in the bin. They also went to the recycling center to bring their recyclable garbage from home. This activity is good evidence that students are applying what they have learned not only in the classroom but also at home. We are looking forward to discovering how other friends do 3 R’s at home. Thank you parents for your cooperation and supporting your children’s learning.

Two of our dear friends celebrated their birthday this month. They had fun watching magic tricks during our birthday party. Happy happy birthday to both of you!

Setsubun Festival is on February 2 which is Sunday, so we celebrated it in advance here in ISN. Milky Way students put on their demon hats and waited for the demon to come. When the demon entered our classroom, they threw newspaper balls at him while saying “Demons out! Good luck in!” Some of our friends were scared and tried to hide under the tables, but others were very brave to face the demon. It was a fun yet a little scary experience for everyone!

That’s all for this week. Thank you for reading and have a nice weekend!