Hello everyone!
The Christmas show is almost here, so we have been busy practicing for the show.
As mentioned, the kids have been doing their best to practice for the Christmas show. We have been practicing not only alone in the classroom but also in front of our friends from the other classes. I am very proud of Shooting Star’s effort in their show!
先ほども述べたように、子どもたちはクリスマス ショーに向けて一生懸命練習してきました。教室で練習するだけでなく、他のクラスの友達の前でも練習してきました。ショーでの Shooting Star の努力をとても誇りに思います。

The highlight of our practice was the big rehearsal on Friday. Although the nerves were a bit higher on the stage, the kids rose to the occasion and performed wonderfully.

Outside play
All work and no play makes for a dull day. We understand the importance of outdoor play for your children’s well-being, so we ensure that we have enough time for it every day to balance out all the indoor practice.

One of our new fun activities at the workstations involved making pictures with dots. The kids traced an image taped to a piece of cardboard by poking holes with pins. This activity was fun and helped reinforce and improve their fine motor skills.
ワークステーションでの新しい楽しいアクティビティの 1 つは、点を使って絵を描くというものでした。子どもたちは、ボール紙にテープで貼られた絵をピンで穴をあけてなぞりました。このアクティビティは楽しく、子どもたちの細かい運動能力を強化し、向上させるのに役立ちました。