With our Halloween fun behind us, we really turn our attention to learning the lines, songs, choreography and stage movements of our drama for the Christmas Program: The Elves and the Shoemaker (originally published in 1812 by the Brothers Grimm of Germany). You may be surprised at some of the unique tweaks that Shooting Stars have added to this old fairy tale!
秋の季節を楽しめるように、紅葉の葉っぱを作成する工作を行いました。先生が鉛筆で書いた葉っぱの形を見て、その線に合わせて、ハサミを使い、2つに折った紙を、集中して切りました。その後、フラワーペーパーを手でちぎって(ハサミを使いたいというお子さんもいました)糊で貼り、紅葉の模様をつけました。皆、工作が大好きで、とても素敵な紅葉ができました!また、Dance LessonやShow&Tellも楽しく行うことができました。
As we counted the acorns we collected a couple of weeks ago, we not only learned how small cups of ten acorns can be easily counted, but ALSO learned a bit about CO-OPERATION in our groups! Two groups quickly filled their cups-of-ten and could see what was left from their 1/4 of the big bag of acorns, but two OTHER groups found themselves with many cups of 8 or 9 acorns and everyone wanted to KEEP all the acorns they had… When every group learned that the group result mattered more than the individual POSSESSING, we found that our 16 students had 148 acorns.
Later in the week, we counted 66 coins. Everyone learned to recognize the 6 types of Japanese coins and their values. Next week we will total that.
Writing lower-case letters, almost everyone has learned that the 14 SMALL letters (a,c,e,i,m,n,o,r,s,u,v,w,x,z) should be HALF the size of the other letters. The LOW Family (g,j,p,q,y)are as big as the TALL Family (b,d,f,h,k,l,t), but their POSITION is different. Please keep helping your students remember this as they write, ESPECIALLY by NOT writing the Low Family too high in the Tall position!
毎週続けて練習しているWritingですが、皆集中して行っています。小文字の g, j, p, q, yは、小文字の b, d, f, h, k, l, tと同じ大きさですが、書く位置が違います。特に、下の位置に書く小文字の g, j, p, q, yを、上の方に書かないように、お家でも、機会がありましたらサポートをお願い致します。
今週のMonthly Songですが、The Shoemaker and the Elvesの劇で、最後に皆で歌う曲にしました。皆で息を合わせて歌えるように練習していきたいです。いつもスクールの活動にご理解・ご協力頂き、ありがとうございます。来週もどうぞよろしくお願いいたします!