Our little inquirers’ journey to find more information about storytelling continues. This week, the whole class delved into inquiring about the Elements of a story. They started the week by making their makeup character. The whole class was tasked to create a character and give it a personality: Name, feelings, likes and dislikes, etc. They presented it to the class and everyone had fun being introduced to the characters made from each inquirer’s imagination.

The whole class also talked about the setting, the place, and the time when the story happened. They started the activity by choosing a storybook to read. They enjoyed the story and identified the different settings in the story. After that, they played a game where one student would draw his/her makeup setting and put it in one basket with the others. One will pick a card, describe it to the class, and the maker of the story would say: That is mine. It is my “setting”. This activity helped our inquirers to be more familiar with the definition of setting.

And finally, the Plot: Beginning, Middle, and End! For the prior knowledge activity, each group of the class was given a set of pictures, the group then analyzed what could be the story behind the picture and categorized them in order. The activity, boosted the communication skills of our inquirers as they debated which one would go first and last. They presented the story in front and some giggled as they heard weird and silly stories, some were just amazed to hear an amazing story.

It has been a while since the whole class visited the park! This week, we were able to go and enjoy not just the company of everybody but also nature, the lovely autumn breeze, and leaves.

Have a wonderful weekend and See you all in the next blog!