This week was short but super fun!
We had wonderful guest teachers this week: Mr. Ezra and Mr. Thapelo from Gojo Elementary School.
Mr. Ezra helped the class inquire about the blend sounds: /sn/and/sm/. First, he had the inquirers guess what words he was drawing. Then, they figured out what sound was prominent in the words. The whole class had a wonderful time playing with sounds, especially when they played the territorial game, where they needed to move from the two sides of the classroom as the students chose and decided which sound represented the word.
Mr.エズラには、フォニックスのブレンド音 /sn/と/sm/の音を取得する事を手伝ってくれました。まず、Mr.エズラが描く絵がどの単語なのかを子ども達に当ててもらい、その単語の中で /sn/、/sm/の音はどこなのかを探しました。本当に音の区別が理解できているのかを確かめるために、クラス全体を使い、音のカードを貼り付け、Mr.エズラが言った単語が持つ音の方に集まるゲームをしました。友達につられてしまう子もいる中、自分たちで聞き分けて思う方にいく事ができていて素晴らしい活動になりました。

Mr. Thapelo on the other hand helped the inquirers review what they had inquired with Ms. Jessica in the prior week. He asked the students to tell him more about the different ways of telling a story and share each method, and he was amazed at how confident and knowledgeable the Rainforest students were.

They finished the lesson by categorizing each photo that showed ways of telling a story.
The whole class is more than excited to start the practice for the Christmas Stage Play. We have started talking about what to present, who to be what character, and how to show. We’ll update everyone more after finalizing the script.

We all hope that everyone is enjoying the cool breeze of Autumn. See you all in the next blog!