What is Halloween?
For the Canyon class, Halloween is about making some spooky crafts!
Our little ones love listening to different Halloween stories, drawing Halloween characters, and making Halloween crafts. This week, we made a jack-o-lantern where the students cut the paper to create a lantern and then pasted on its eyes, nose, and mouth. Our youngsters enjoyed this activity and were so happy to see the final outcome of their craft.

It’s getting colder now, especially in the morning and at night; that’s why it’s a perfect time to take a walk outside. It was our first time walking outside the campus. It was good to see our young ones following their teachers’ instructions and walking nicely. They had fun seeing the scenery, especially the autumn trees, and playing. We saw acorns, walnuts, dried autumn leaves, dragonflies, and flowers. It was a great opportunity for our little ones to discover and explore more of the beauty of the autumn season.

The best thing about rainy days is that we let the kids be more physically active. Our young ones had a chance to play outside in the cold morning breeze. We played a “Mr. Wolf” game. The kids asked the Wolf, “What time is it?” Then the Wolf said some numbers until the other kids got closer to him. When everybody was in front of the Wolf, he would say, “It’s lunchtime,” and then everyone had to run quickly and go back to the line. Another first for Canyon class! Everybody enjoyed this game a lot!
今週は雨模様が続きましたが、雨があがった涼しい朝に外で遊ぶこともできました。外に出てからみんなで「オオカミさん」のゲームをしました。子どもたちはオオカミさんに 「What time is it, Mr Wolf? オオカミさん今何時?」と尋ねます。オオカミ役の子は、「It’s 7 o,clock. (7時です)」など、他の子どもたちがオオカミに近づくまで数字を言います。みんながウルフの前に並ぶと、オオカミは「ディナータイムだよ」と言って、他の子たちを捕まえようと追いかけます。みんなは素早く走って列に戻らなければなりません。キャニオンさん達にとって、外でゲームをすることも今回が初体験でした!みんなの成長と共に、遊びの幅がどんどん広がっています。これからも楽しい活動を、どんどん楽しみたいと思います。

This month’s English phrases are: “Can I have a ball, please?”, “Here you are,” and “Thank you.” To help the kids learn more about how and when to use these phrases, we asked some students to demonstrate them in front of the class. Well done, Canyon!
今月の英語フレーズは、「Can I have a ball, please?」、「Here you are」、「Thank you 」です。これらのフレーズをいつ、どのように使うのかを子どもたちにもっと知ってもらうために、何人かの子どもたちにクラスの前で実演してもらいました。おもちゃの貸し借りなど、どんどんこのフレーズを使えるよう応援したいです。


Have a wonderful long weekend, everyone!