Hi everyone!🌟
We are getting closer to our first big event— Sports Festival…⭐ Our youngsters are so excited to show what they’ve got!!! Everyone is doing their very best in practicing our dance performance, song, and dance exercise. As part of the preparation, we made a superhero craft. Our little ones decorated their own superhero cape using their crayons and chose their desired paint color. You’re so creative, Canyon! How impressive!!!👏🏻

In our UOI lesson, we moved to our lines of inquiry 3 wherein we discussed “The Way Animals Help Us”. In this lesson, we made a connection on how animals help humans by giving us food we eat. For our prior knowledge assessment, we had an activity where our young ones identified where does the food we eat come from. For example, egg comes from chicken, yogurt comes from cow, sausage comes from pig, etc. We were amazed at how our youngsters classified the foods in its designated column! Well done!!!🥩🥚🧈🍗🧀

In our writing lesson, we are still learning alphabet letter L and its sound. For our this week’s activity, we did “Letter Case Differentiation”. We used color keys to color the bubbles that contain upper and lowercase letter Ll. We used red for uppercase letter L and blue for lowercase.🖍️ Good job!✨
ライティングのレッスンでは、アルファベットのLとその音を学習中です。今週のワークシートは、「Letter Case Differentiation(大文字と小文字の区別)」を行いました。クレヨンで、”L”と”l”のシャボン玉に色をつけました。L(青色)から探す子、見つけた文字からl(赤色)やLを塗る子、様々ですが、みんな違いに気づいてよく出来ていました!

Enjoying the last days of summer…🌞
Even though the days may start feeling cooler, our youngsters still loving playing in the mud! They had fun playing with cars, making volcano, chocolate drink and cake, and obento out of mud.🌻 Their imagination and creativity are now in different level.💡 Keep it up, Canyon!⭐
夏の終わりを楽しんでいます🌞涼しくなってきた今日この頃ですが、子どもたちはまだまだ泥んこ遊びが大好きです。車遊びや火山作り、チョコレートドリンクやケーキ作り、泥でお弁当を作ったり…🌻 想像力を膨らませながら創り上げています💡 スポーツフェスティバルが終わる頃まで、楽しみたいと思います。

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!✨