As we continue our discussion about “transportation,” we had an assessment where the students matched the vehicles to where they can find them. It was good to know that our little ones are very familiar with the different types of transportation. To add to this topic, we talked about “knowledgeable,” which means we know lots of things. Our youngsters shared their ideas about being knowledgeable. Some said that by trying to speak in English, transportation makes us think, and by using a big voice. Thank you for sharing, Canyon!
「乗り物」に関するユニットが始まって数週間が経ち、バスの中から見える乗り物など、Canyonさん達はたくさんの乗り物に興味をもつようになりました。色々な乗り物と、その乗り物がどこで見られるものなのかを組み合わせるワークシートに取り組みました。Canyonさん達は、乗り物についてとてもよく知っていることがわかりました。今回のユニットで重視するIB学習者像の「Knowledgable(知識のある人)」になるには、どうすればよいのかみんなで考えました。子ども達は、「英語で話そうとすること」、「乗り物のことを考えること」、「大きな声を出すこと」が、知識のある人になれるのではないかと自分たちの考えをシェアしてくれました。Good job!

We also played a game called “train jack en poy.” They walked around the classroom pretending to be a train, and when the music stopped, they had to find a partner and do jack en poy until everybody was done and formed a long train.


This week, we conducted an Earthquake Drill and taught them the safety precautions when it occurs. Our youngsters did a good job in following the rules! When they heard the bell, they covered their heads and hid under the table. This kind of drill every month helps our little ones to be more cautious and be alert when a disaster happened. Well done!


Have a great weekend everyone!