And just like that our inquiry on plants reaches its end… almost the end, but not yet! 🤗
Before we wrap things up, the Rainforest students concluded their very first experiments, answering the questions: Do plants grow in different environments?

Normal water and sun. Plants survive in this environment; they are healthy. Cold Environment; No water and No sun. Some plants survived, and some did not. The stems are not red like the normal ones. Too much sun and little water. Healthy sprouts grew. No water, No sun. Plants don’t survive in this environment because it didn’t have water and sun. Too much water, and too much sun. Plants don’t survive in this environment, because it’s too hot and wet. 適切な水の量と太陽 元気に成長した。 寒い環境(冷蔵庫);水も太陽もない 成長した植物もあったが、成長できなかった植物もあった。茎は白い。(通常は赤っぽい) 日当たりが良いが、水が少ない 元気な芽が出てきた。 水も太陽も全くない 植物はこの環境では成長できなかった。 水も太陽も多すぎる 暑くて湿気が多いので、植物はこの環境で成長できなかった。 |
Also, after observing for almost a month, our little inquirers gave their conclusion on their another experiment which was about: What do plants need to grow?

They have figured out the different essential elements that need to grow. After this, they gathered and made a craft that showed the things that a plant needs to survive.

Also, to review the process of how a plant grow, they made a craft that shows Plant life cycle. Our little inquirers are so confident that they finish their craft in a snap.

On the other hand, we have started our water play, it’s just so nice to soak ourselves to cool water to rival the scorching hot temperature!

We have never thought that our inquiry on plants will be interesting, and we are super excited on sharing with you our last projects in this unit.
Have a wonderful and safe long weekend!