What is a stranger?
A stranger is someone you don’t know or who doesn’t belong in a specific place, and someone who could be dangerous.
At school, we perform a drill to see how the children will react and what they will do when a stranger comes to the campus. We also teach them what they need to do when someone approaches them, such as the following:
– Don’t talk to a stranger;
– Don’t take anything from a stranger;
– Don’t get in the stranger’s car;
– Don’t open the door to a stranger;
– Run fast and shout to ask for help;
– Always stay with teachers and parents.
- 知らない人には話しかけない
- 知らない人から物をもらわない
- 知らない人の車に乗らない
- 知らない人が家に来ても、ドアを開けない
- 知らない人が連れて行かれそうになったら、早く走って大声で助けを求める
- 先生や両親といつも一緒にいる

Our little ones are getting busy preparing for our upcoming Christmas show. They are doing their very best practicing their lines, songs, dances, and also working on the props. For this week’s craft, we made some paper flowers and pasted them on a big box. We will use this for their play. Thank you for helping to make the props, Canyon!
クリスマスショーの準備に大忙しの子どもたち。セリフや歌、ダンスを練習し、小道具の準備にも余念がありません。今週のクラフトでは、ペーパーフラワーを作り、大きな箱に貼りました。これをGingerbread manの劇に使います。キャニオンさん達には少し難しい作業に思えましたが、一枚ずつお花紙を剥がしていくように伝えると、小さな手を一生懸命動かして、たくさんお花を作ってくれました。キャニオンさん達、小道具作りを手伝ってくれてありがとう!

Winter is also the best time to play at the park and enjoy the nature of the new season. Our youngsters had so much fun playing at the big park, where they enjoyed the large play structure. It was a good time to embrace the cold weather.

In this week’s music lesson, we sang songs related to the winter season and played rhythm games. Paired with a friend, we listened to the piano and distinguished between a gentle breeze and a strong wind. Canyon students waved thier hands slowly when there was a gentle breeze and vigorously when there was a strong wind. They enjoyed learning the rhythm with their friends.

Have a great weekend, everyone!