Hello Everyone!
We would like to thank the parents for taking the time to come to school and attend the individual PT meeting. よろしくお願いいたします。
For our UOI 4 this week we learned about our 2nd LOI: How things move. We found out that things move in different ways. Like a ball can roll, a top can spin, a see saw can go up and down and more. After learning the different movements kid also copied the movements using their bodies and we also used things that we have in the classroom and make them move. We watched a fun video explaining our LOI 2, worked on some worksheets and read a fun book about it. The class also have new groupings now its based on our UOI 4 -things that move, the kids chose banana team, butterfly team and rocket team.
今週のUOI 4では、2番目のLOIである 「How things move 」について学びました。私たちは、物がさまざまな方法で動くことを学びました。ボールは転がる、コマは回転する、シーソーは上下する、などなど。様々な動きを学んだ後、オーロラさんたちは体を使ってその動きを真似したり、教室にあるものを使って動かしたりしました。LOI2についての楽しいビデオを見たり、ワークシートに取り組んだり、楽しい本を読んだりもしました。クラスでは、UOI4「動くもの」に基づいた新しいグループ分けもあり、オーロラさんたちはバナナチーム、バタフライチーム、ロケットチームを選びました。

The kids favorite part is dancing and moving to a new funny song.
Posting here the link of the dance video, kindly check it out so you can bust a move with the kids at home.
ABC’s / Phonetics
For our Phonics this week, kids worked on the Letters D, E, F. Sharing here the link of the video of the following letters.

Dance/ Music / Outside play
To beat the winter cold we groove and move our bodies a lot, whether indoors during dance and music lessons or outdoors during outside free play. We move, play and have fun to keep our bodies healthy and warm.

Thank you for reading our blog this week. keep warm. Have a great weekend.
“Enjoy the little things for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things”. – Robert Brault.
「小さなことを楽しめ。いつか振り返ったとき、それが大きなことだったと気づくかもしれない」。- ロバート・ブラウト