Hi everyone! Welcome back to our blog…✨
After quite a long break, finally our youngsters are back safe and healthy! We are so happy to you all again, young ones!💖
This week was a very busy one as we are getting closer to our next event. Our little ones worked very hard during the practice and we saw a lot of changes to them as they gradually learning to step out of their comfort zone. It’s not an easy journey for some, but all of them are now heading to their growth zone to make their performance beautiful. All your hard work and dedication are greatly appreciated, Canyon! Keep on striving and just enjoy your play.🤩

Canyon loves music!🎵 It makes them feel happy and excited… Our youngsters are doing well in their practice for the music performance!⭐ Everybody was smiling and loving what they were doing. We are glad that they can manage to learn everything despite our busy schedule since last month. Well done!!!👏🏻

Time flies… we are now in the last month of the year. This week, we welcomed another new student to our family!😍 She looked so happy playing with her new friends and teachers. She’s still adjusting to her new environment but thanks to our very caring Canyon students who are always willing to help their new friends. Thank you for your kindness, little ones!🥰

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!✨